Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Unicarna.com, a leading online platform that allows healthcare providers to promote their medical services to a global audience. Unicarna.com, owned and operated by Unicarna Limited, a UK-based company (Company number 14865078), provides access to a range of facilities, services, and materials through its website (the "Website"). In these terms and conditions, references to "we," "our," and "us" pertain to Unicarna Limited.

Services We Provide:

Unicarna.com serves as a comprehensive marketplace platform connecting individuals seeking medical services (“Clients or Patients") with Healthcare Providers, including individual medical practitioners, hospitals, clinics, and travel agencies (collectively referred to as "Healthcare Providers," "your," or "you"). Our platform facilitates introductions between Clients and Healthcare Providers, creating an online environment where Clients can make informed decisions and conduct their own research to choose the most suitable Healthcare Provider to meet their specific needs.

  • Website Service

    As a Healthcare Provider, you have the opportunity to showcase your medical services to potential Clients. Unicarna.com provides information about various Healthcare Providers worldwide, enabling Clients to make informed decisions. If a Client selects you to provide Medical Services, we will facilitate contact between you and the Client by providing relevant Client information (referred to as the "Website Service”).

  • Global Marketing Activities

    Unicarna.com offers a range of marketing activities to enhance the visibility and reach of Healthcare Providers on our platform. As a registered Healthcare Provider, you have the opportunity to benefit from our marketing efforts, which include targeted promotions, featured listings, and exposure to a global audience of potential patients.

    We strive to ensure that our marketing activities result in valuable enquiries and conversions for Healthcare Providers. Our goal is to maximize the return on investment for Healthcare Providers by providing cost-effective marketing solutions tailored to their specific needs.

    Please note that while we make every effort to promote Healthcare Providers, the effectiveness of marketing activities may vary depending on factors such as the competitiveness of the market, the uniqueness of services offered, and the target audience. We recommend that Healthcare Providers actively engage with our platform, optimize their profiles, and provide accurate and up-to-date information to maximize the benefits of our marketing initiatives.

Services We Do Not Provide:

  • Unicarna.com operates as a marketplace platform that connects Clients and Healthcare Providers, but we do not endorse, recommend, or approve any specific Healthcare Provider listed on our website. We want to emphasize that we are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical advice or guidance to Clients or Healthcare Providers.

  • Unicarna.com does not participate in transactions between Clients and Healthcare Providers on the website. We cannot guarantee the completion of all transactions or vouch for the Clients' ability or intention to fulfil their obligations in any transaction.

  • As we have limited control over the information provided by Clients on the website, Unicarna.com cannot guarantee or endorse the authenticity, quality, safety, or legality of any services requested or provided by healthcare providers. We also cannot guarantee the accuracy of listings or the client data we may provide to you. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the ability of clients to complete transactions. However, we have implemented measures to protect your investment, which you can find in the "Enquiries and Refunds" section of our terms and conditions.

  • Unicarna.com is dedicated to promoting your profile and connecting you with potential global clients. As part of this process, when a client clicks the "Enquiry" button, you will receive the client's contact details as provided in the contact form. It is your responsibility to respond promptly and accurately to these enquiries.

Please note that if you fail to respond in a timely manner or if you submit incorrect contact information, you may still be charged for these enquiries that you were meant to receive. Details regarding the charging and refund policies can be found in the "Enquiries and Refunds" sections of our terms and conditions. It is essential to review and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful partnership.

Client Contact Policy

As a healthcare provider on Unicarna.com, you are committed to making every effort to promptly contact every client who creates a lead for you. It is expected that you will utilize both phone and email communication channels to reach out to the client within a maximum of two business days from the time the lead is created. This policy ensures that clients receive timely responses and facilitates effective communication between healthcare providers and potential patients.

Registration and Featured Profile

  • Registration on Unicarna.com is free of charge. Healthcare Providers can create and fill their profiles without incurring any fees.

  • To access additional benefits such as receiving leads and taking advantage of Unicarna's marketing features, Healthcare Providers can opt to become a "featured profile." The pricing for the featured profile service will be communicated by the account manager assigned to you by Unicarna. The cost will vary depending on your location, the level of promotion desired, services, and your place in the listing.

  • By choosing to become a featured profile, you agree to the associated fees and the terms and conditions outlined by Unicarna for the provision of the featured profile service.

  • Unicarna reserves the right to adjust fees and pricing for featured profiles using a dynamic pricing system. The current price for a listing placement will be provided to healthcare providers, and if a higher offer is made for that place, it will automatically be given to the higher bidder. Any changes in pricing will be communicated to healthcare providers, allowing them the option to either match or exceed the current price per lead or adjust their profile accordingly.It is important to note that the decision to become a featured profile is at the discretion of the Healthcare Provider, and Unicarna does not guarantee any specific results or outcomes from the featured profile service.

  • The featured profile service will be provided as long as the Healthcare Provider maintains an active subscription and fulfills their payment obligations in a timely manner.

  • Unicarna reserves the right to suspend or terminate the featured profile service if any violation of the terms and conditions occurs, including non-payment of fees or non-compliance with the platform's policies.

  • The featured profile service may be subject to additional terms and conditions, which will be communicated to the Healthcare Provider by the account manager assigned by Unicarna.

  • Any disputes or concerns related to the featured profile service should be addressed to the account manager or the Unicarna support team for resolution.

  • Unicarna shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the Healthcare Provider resulting from the use of the featured profile service, including any direct or indirect consequences arising from the promotion or lack thereof through the featured profile.

  • The Healthcare Provider acknowledges that the featured profile service does not guarantee a specific number of leads, enquiries, or conversions, as these outcomes are influenced by various factors, including market conditions and client preferences.

  • Unicarna reserves the right to modify or discontinue the featured profile service, or any aspect of it, at any time without prior notice. In the event of such modifications or discontinuation, Unicarna will inform Healthcare Providers affected by the changes and provide suitable alternatives or options.

Payments and Billing

  • Healthcare Providers on Unicarna.com will be charged a fee per lead generated, which may vary depending on their position in the listing.

  • Healthcare Providers are required to purchase leads with upfront payment using their credit/debit card. This ensures the creation of a correct invoice, which is generated directly in their profile.

  • All payments due to Unicarna.com must be made in full by credit/debit card, unless alternative payment arrangements have been agreed upon in writing with Unicarna.com. Provision of the Website Service is contingent upon the Healthcare Provider making the necessary arrangements to pay for the service through the agreed means. Unicarna.com reserves the right to verify credit/debit card payments before the purchase is finalized.

  • All payment amounts due to Unicarna.com exclude VAT (except health providers located in the UK), and the Healthcare Provider is responsible for paying all other applicable duties and taxes.

  • In the event that a Healthcare Provider fails to provide notice of cancellation or termination before the end of the subscription period, Unicarna.com will automatically repeat the last payment and withdraw the corresponding amount from the Healthcare Provider's submitted credit/debit card.

  • By using Unicarna.com, you acknowledge and authorize Unicarna.com to automatically bill your credit/debit card account for the agreed amount in the event of a negative account balance.

  • The Healthcare Provider is responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date billing information, including credit/debit card details, and must notify Unicarna.com in advance of any changes or updates to their payment method.

  • Unicarna.com reserves the right to adjust the pricing and fees for leads and services provided on the platform. Any changes in pricing will be communicated to Healthcare Providers in advance.

  • In the event of non-payment or failure to fulfill payment obligations, Unicarna.com reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Healthcare Provider's access to the Website Service.

  • The Healthcare Provider acknowledges that Unicarna.com will generate invoices for the purchased leads and services, which can be accessed and reviewed in their profile.

Leads and Refund

  • Unicarna.com strives to provide high-quality leads to healthcare providers. However, we understand that there may be instances where a lead is deemed fake or irrelevant to the services provided by the healthcare provider. In such cases, the healthcare provider has the option to request a refund for the lead.

  • Refunds will be granted for leads that are determined to be fake or clearly unrelated to the services offered by the healthcare provider. The decision to grant a refund will be made at the discretion of Unicarna.com based on a thorough review of the circumstances.

  • Approved refunds will be refunded to the healthcare provider's account as a new enquiry, allowing them to utilize the refunded amount towards future lead purchases or other services provided by Unicarna.com. The refunded amount will be credited as a new enquiry in the healthcare provider's account balance.

  • It is important to note that leads for which the patient is real but not suitable for the specific services provided by the healthcare provider are not eligible for a refund. In such cases, efforts will be made to assist the healthcare provider in finding alternative solutions or connecting with suitable patients within their specialization.

  • To request a refund for a lead, healthcare providers should contact Unicarna.com support and provide relevant details and evidence to support their claim. Unicarna.com will review the request and respond in a timely manner.


  • Unicarna.com reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the website or any of its services, either in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice. This action may be taken for various reasons, including but not limited to instances where you have provided false or misleading information, or where you are found to be in violation of this Agreement. In addition, if Unicarna.com is unable to verify or authenticate any information you have submitted on the website, your access may be suspended or terminated. It is important to note that Unicarna.com holds no liability to you or any third party for any consequences resulting from the suspension or termination of your access to the website.

  • Healthcare providers have the option to terminate or suspend their account by providing prior notice via email to [email protected]. Upon receiving confirmation of termination or suspension, the account manager will finalize the process on the website by removing the provider's profile from the list.

If the request is for suspension, the account can be reactivated at a later time upon request, and an email notification will be sent along with information regarding any remaining credits.

In the case of termination, the remaining account balance will not be refunded to the healthcare provider's bank account.

Website Use

You agree to use the Website solely for the purpose of accessing and utilizing medical services. It is strictly prohibited to use the Website for fraudulent activities, the sale of illegal goods or services, or any other unlawful purposes.

You must not engage in any actions that may damage, disable, overload, or interfere with the proper functioning of the Website or disrupt others' use of the Website. This includes refraining from posting or transmitting any unlawful, harmful, or offensive material.

You are prohibited from transmitting any harmful computer programs or engaging in activities that may compromise the security or integrity of the Website or its users' systems. Harassment, abuse, unauthorized access, impersonation, and unauthorized data collection are strictly prohibited. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website or interfere with its operation.

The Website may contain technical inaccuracies or errors, and the information provided may not always be up-to-date.

In the event of a breach of this Agreement, Unicarna.com reserves the right to take legal action, including the cancellation of bids, termination of registration and account, and restricting access to the Website and its services.

Trademark and Logo Usage

By using the Unicarna platform, you grant Unicarna Limited permission to use your trademarks, logos, name, and visuals for the purpose of advertisements and marketing materials. This includes, but is not limited to, online promotions, social media campaigns, and printed materials. Unicarna will exercise reasonable care in the use of these assets and will comply with any guidelines provided by the health provider regarding their usage.

Data Protection

Unicarna Limited, based in the UK, ensures compliance with the applicable data protection laws and regulations, including the UK Data Protection Act 2018, and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. As a Healthcare Provider on Unicarna.com, you agree to handle data in accordance with the provisions outlined in this clause.

"Data" refers to all electronic information, including personal data as defined by the data protection acts, submitted by clients on the website and transferred to the Healthcare Provider for the purpose of providing medical services and concluding contracts.

The Healthcare Provider agrees to process the Data solely for the purpose of delivering the Medical Services and strictly adhering to Unicarna.com's instructions and the terms of this Agreement. Access to the Data is limited to authorized employees, contractors, and agents who have received appropriate training in data protection laws and data handling.

The Healthcare Provider shall not disclose the Data to third parties except as strictly necessary for the performance of the Medical Services, as requested by Unicarna.com, or as specified in this Agreement.

All processing activities shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, orders, standards, and other applicable instruments governing data protection. Adequate security measures shall be implemented to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of the Data, especially during data transmission over networks.

The Healthcare Provider shall ensure that its employees and other individuals at its facilities where Medical Services are provided are aware of and comply with the necessary security measures.

Upon completion of the Medical Services, the Healthcare Provider shall, upon request, return or destroy all Data and its copies, unless prohibited by legislation. In case of any request for an audit by Unicarna.com or the Data Protection Commissioner, the Healthcare Provider shall submit its data processing facilities.

The Healthcare Provider indemnifies Unicarna.com and holds it harmless against any liabilities, claims, losses, expenses, damages, penalties, actions, suits, and costs arising from any violation or breach of this data protection clause.

The Healthcare Provider shall not disclose the identity of any client without prior written approval from the client or Unicarna.com. Inclusion in any reference or marketing list requires express written approval from the client and/or Unicarna.com.

Personal information entered into the Healthcare Provider's brochure or search result must be obtained with the individual's permission, and the individual must have agreed to the unrestricted publication and transfer of this information outside the European Union.